Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Tap Dancing on Sheet Metal

So - in class today, we talked quite a bit about the idea of Hot and Cold media - oh that McLuhan...

I found it an interesting idea, though - how our interaction with the art determines how McLuhan defines it. The amount of data presented and inferred/assumed/pieced-together makes it one or the other. Abstract art asks the viewer to interpret the inside that is shown in order to come close to an understanding of the outside - or an even deeper "inside." Radio is hot - one sense, all the data needed. I had some questions though: video games - are they hot or cold? I'd assume cold, as the user is required to use sight and sound - as well as some form of "touch" to manipulate the game. As a hard of hearing individual (I'm still working on claiming the capital D - Deaf identity), I wonder if for me - radio, or music is actually a cold media. I have a lot of interpreting or translating to do in my mind, as my hair cells don't really pick all that information up. I'm often trying to piece together what people say on the radio - or the lyrics sung to any song. What about an individual that is (lowercase d - medically) deaf? Is TV then a hot medium as they can only see the information? Yet they still need to piece the story-line together...

Whenever we create a definition, an either or, a box to check, or binary - there is ALWAYS something/some instance that doesn't quite fit. In creating definitions we create grey area. And now for a rocky transition (and a bunch of videos)! Click on through!

So, I did my formal analysis on the song "Reckless" by Till & The Wall. I saw them perform back in 2004 with Rilo Kiley (and while I appreciate some indie bands, I do NOT think I'm any better for knowing names of obscure music groups...I just like female vocals) and I was basically blown away. No drum set of any sorts - just a keyboard, a guitar, two lovely ladies singing their hearts out and another lovely lady TAP DANCING ON SHEET METAL?!? Yes. They stomp and clap and tap-dance on sheet metal for their rhythm section. Amazing.

1 comment:

ali williams said...


I thought Tilly and the wall were totally awesome! I loved watching these videos. They really redefined how I view music and musical genre. That must have been some performance!