Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Song

Well - shocking - it has been quite some time since I posted.  There are times that I feel I have nothing of import to share with the world, so I just go on living.  I don't spend much time reflecting on all the experiences I take with me.  But I would like to attempt to change that.  As of now - my goal (baby steps, folks) is to post once a month in the year 2011.  Hold me to it.  We'll check in December of 2011 to see just how well I did.

I want 2011 to be the year of new projects.  Taking on new, somewhat terrifying objectives. As I will be required to do so whether I want to or not.  A great mentor and colleague of mine is going on maternity leave and I will be stepping up to fill some fairly large shoes while she is away.  Wish me luck.

I will also be working with my friend Courtney (I'll come back to update this post with a link) on a new blog on grieving.  She lost her father on December 9th, 2009.  So while it won't be as light-hearted as this blog (though I could hardly call some of my posts light-hearted) - it will be a venue to explore life without a loved one and everything that entails.  It'll be a space to vent/grieve/laugh and share stories.  Feel free to check it out once it's up and running.

So - in light of December, and another Christmas with the family (weather permitting as Dean and I are driving to Michigan on x-mas day) coming up - I thought I'd share this video and my thoughts on it.  Feel free to watch, re-watch and play as you see fit. (I'm playing it now). Click through to read my feelings on the song.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Life and Orange Juice

Back to the blogosphere...yet again. As you may or may not notice, I tend to drop the ball on this beast from time to time. I have been quite the busy body these days, which is wonderful. My walk with Mom and the monument I found lit a little fire, and sure enough I am creating again and finding joy in life. So much to update on - I'll try and spread things out.

First thing's first: I am involved in an self-titled performance project called The In Between People. Directed by Andy Yanni - we're asking a whole lot of questions, exploring life, magic, and the power of humanity.
"The In Between People is currently exploring the affect that children's stories and their universal messages have on audiences of all ages. The self-titled project, The In Between People, is a performance that uses The Missing Piece Meets the Big O by Shel Silverstein as a launching point, and creates an extension of this story through performance.

We are combining personal stories and experiences with this universal message to find a new meaning in the interaction between people and performance. We are creating a theatrical experience that focuses not on any one of these stories, but the universal through-line of what it means to be human and every person's struggle to truly define who they are. " 

If you haven't backed this project yet, please do so (I know cash is sparse, but the support is priceless regardless of how much you donate). Head over to our kickstarter by clicking this link. It would mean the world to me to have you back this project.  We are also posting on our company blog - I'll update the link with the blog once we go public.  So I figured - for now, I can use my own space to hammer out some thoughts that I'll will be sharing with the company/ensemble members at the other blog.  With that said - here I go...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Monument to You Through Infinity...

Long time no post. I'm used to it. The Gemini in me keeps my attention from lingering on any one project for too long. I wouldn't have it any other way, because when I come back - I come back somethin' fierce. Here it comes y'all. Buckle up, batten down - use the restroom, grab some snacks, 'cause this is a long post.