Monday, April 27, 2009

The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth

"I have cancer."

It's amazing how three words can carry so much weight. Seven days ago, I didn't even know how to pronounce adenocarcenoma - let alone what it does to the body, how the stages progress, or how it's treated. My mother is sick. And I am coming home.

I'm petrified. Mainly because I had a job and an apartment lined up for the summer. But gears are for throwing wrenches into - and life would be incredibly boring if plans didn't change. There's a lot of good in me coming home for the summer (the job will come, so I shouldn't worry too much). I'm going to try to use this blog more often - mainly to offer a space for venting, and laughter. I would much rather this be a happy blog, than an angsty livejournal...or a REALLY angsty xanga. Oh to be fourteen again...

That said - here are some perks about coming home. How about a list?! Don't mind if I do:
  • Lake Michigan. Nuff said.
  • Time with Mom.
  • Shelby.
  • My New York University degree will increase in value and marketability.
  • Getting to know Dad better.
  • Discussions! (Speaking of being 14...)
  • Going A'Gaying.
  • Meeting my new nephew, May 28th(ish).
  • Reconnecting with my invaluable pillars of strength and laughter: Stu, Amanda, Em, and Erin.
  • Playing video games with my brothers. (And anyone else who wants to join in).
  • Starting a new chapter in my life.
  • Chicago Pride - 2009.
  • Turning 23 (ew).
  • Finding time to create.
  • Starting a new job (when I get it).
  • Finding a new place (when I get a job).
  • Getting a car (again...job first).
  • Hugs, smiles, and laughter.
  • Loving unconditionally.
  • Bonfires, trees, and stars.
So far, it's adding up to a pretty wonderful list. Just under three weeks and counting. I'm going to try and get the most out of my time in NYC. I'm going to love my friends so hard these next two and a half weeks, and we're going to be in and of the city. I love New York so incredibly much, I'm going to miss the pace, the personality, and the exploration that this place offers. My Gemini soul might go a little stir crazy in Michigan - so I'm going to have to vary my days. The City has given me some amazing experiences - and I have grown up so much. Now it is time to return to Neverland an adult. Who knows? Maybe I'll find some of that youth I've been missing.

Here's another list - the gaymer in me can't help but be a touch materialistic, and a ton nerdy. These are the must buys to look forward to:

1. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers (So. Effing. Exicted).
2. Muramasa: The Demon Blade (I'm such a geek for Japanese culture/lore etc)
3. The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS Love).
4. Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (Really only because it's Kingdom Hearts...though I'm skeptical).
5. Icarian: Kindred Spirits (I'm also a geek for Greek lore, and winged beings...yay Wiiware getting some good original content!)

Look at all these things to look forward to! Life will be a challenge this upcoming...who knows how long...but life will be happy, I will celebrate every day. And that is incredibly important.

"Time passes, people move. Like a river's flow, it never ends. A childish mind will turn into noble ambition, young love will become deep affection. The clear water's surface reflects growth..."


Stuart L. Thompson said...

I love you deeply.

I can not wait to give you the biggest hug of your life.

thinking of you always.

Stuart L. Thompson said...

p.s.- chicago pride, as always, is going to be AMAZING

veggievixen said...

ok this is probably the definition of internet stalking...but i just wanted to wish you the best of luck. my mom had cancer for 13 years, not that i know what your situation is like but i sort of get it. hugs!!


Annaleigh said...

I really hope that we can all find time to enjoy EACH OTHER in the next two weeks, rather than burying ourselves in books and portfolios. I love you so so much, and I'm so happy to know you have this blog so I can be kept up to date on all your Michigan happenings. Hugs and kisses. --Girlfriend

lindsey. said...

hey kyle it's ya girl lindsey hemmer. you are so so strong and a beautiful soul and as much as i know you will miss NYC i cannot WAIT to have you and stu come cuddle on my bed in chicago.
i will be sending so much love in your direction.